I am #TurningTheTide...

Without healthy oceans, we cannot survive.

From the air we breathe, to the food we eat, to the climate we live in, we all depend on our oceans. Today, they are more important than ever. Healthy oceans absorb carbon from the atmosphere and help reduce the impact of climate change.

Our oceans are in immediate need of protection. Industrial fishing, pollution and marine debris, habitat destruction, coastal development, global warming, and ocean acidification, are all threatening to irreversibly destroy the ocean’s delicate ecosystems. What was once considered an endless source of food to feed the planet is now on the brink of collapse. Many species of fish have now been depleted to less than 10% of their pre-industrial fishing levels in the past 50 years. Not only have we lost over 90% of the population of widely consumed fish such as tuna, salmon, and cod, the ancillary impact of commercial fishing has similarly annihilated thousands of other ocean species. Along all the equatorial and tropical coastlines, delicate reefs filled with biodiversity that evolved over thousands of years to protect coastlines and nourish local communities, are now dying out within a time span measured in years.

“We are entering a phase of extinction of marine species unprecedented in human history.”

Airbnb Lifestyle: an entrepreneurs dream